
Depending on the size and placement of your solar PV system, we may need to apply to your local building control and planning departments. We may also need to seek permission from the local DNO (District Network Operator) if your system is larger than 16A per phase (3.68kWp for a single phase supply or 11.04kWp for a three phase supply).

The manufacturers of the solar panels we use typically provide long warranties (20 years+). 

The manufacturers of the batteries and inverters usually provide cover for between 5-15 years. 

For workmanship, we provide an insurance backed guarantee for 2 years after installation.

We would be happy to answer any questions you have about this.

Yes! Under the government-backed Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), SEG licensees, such as Bulb and Octopus Energy, are required by law to pay small scale generators (you!) for low-carbon electricity which they export back to the National Grid, providing that certain criteria are met. It follows on from but is different to the Feed In Tariff (FiT) government scheme which ended in March 2019. 

The SEG licensees decide exactly how they want their SEG export tariff to work in terms of its rate, type and length. However, the tariff must be greater than zero pence per kilowatt hour exported at all times.

Small scale generators are encouraged to shop around for the best payment rate for your exported electricity.

For current SEG tariffs, please see our blog post here, which links directly to the SEG licensees’ websites.

The SEG supports installations with a total installed capacity (TIC) up to 5MW (essentially most domestic installations).

In order for an installation to be considered an ‘eligible installation’ and be eligible to receive a SEG export tariff, all applications must:  

  • Demonstrate that the installation and/or installer are suitably certified;
  • Have an export meter which is capable of taking half-hourly measurements;
  • Have an export meter point administration number (MPAN), a 13 digit reference used to identify every electricity connection point in the country. You are likely to find that on your electricity bill.

Note, how often you get paid depends on the SEG supplier’s rules.

This depends on a number of factors, including what your energy needs and goals are, the available size of your roof/property to accommodate the panels, the level of shading over the panels and your budget.

Please contact us for a no obligation quote if you are interested to know more.

No, you can choose whether or not you sell any surplus solar PV energy to an electricity supplier or keep it for your own self consumption (go “off grid”). If you go off grid, you will need to purchase a battery/batteries to store any surplus energy you generate.

If you decide to go off grid and rely only on your solar energy for your electricity, you will need to increase the number of batteries and solar cells. You may also want to consider having a diesel generator as a backup. This of course will increase the upfront cost. 

You need a smart meter if you want to participate in the Smart Export Guarantee and get paid for the excess solar energy you send to the grid.

Smart meters send information every half an hour from your home to the energy supplier’s computer systems, which allow them to more accurately understand the electricity supply and demand on the grid.

Your energy supplier can install a smart meter in your home for you, if required.

The answer to this is highly dependent on the size of your solar PV system, the type of solar panels you buy (more efficient panels = more energy), the orientation of your panels (south facing is best), the degree of shading over those panels and whether you have a battery or not.

We can easily provide you with an initial quote with a few key pieces of information.


Solar panels are considered to be very low maintenance items. However, to work at their best they should be cleaned every year if possible. We can provide you with a solar panels servicing quote if this is something that you’re interested in.

When we install your solar PV system, we also install a generation meter.

Many inverters also have an app that you can download, which shows you how much energy you are generating.

This is possible, as long as there is enough space available and your inverter is correctly sized.

We can advise on all this if you let us know what your present and future energy generation goals are.

We attach the solar panels to the roof or walls of properties using either mounting rails (see picture) or if necessary, using ballast bags. 

We will discuss with you what the best option for your project is.

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